CBD is derived from cannabis (hemp) plants. The hemp oil extracted from the plant is where the high concentrations of CBD reside. The hemp oil is very high in CBD and very low in THC, which is why people can enjoy its benefits without being capable of inducing a high.
When absorbed by the body, CBD interacts with the naturally occurring Endocannabinoid system. The ECS is responsible for maintaining balance in the body and its functions. These functions include regulating mood, sleep, appetite, and immune response.
Hemp oil is cold-pressed from Hemp seeds. It is a potent oil high in antioxidants, omega three, and omega six fatty acids.
Hemp oil is edible and can be absorbed topically, so you can add it to your daily diet or use it as a moisturizer for your skin. However, you will not reap the benefits that CBD and other Cannabinoids can provide.
CBD is costly to extract, and therefore, CBD oil costs more than Hemp oil. CBD oil comes from the whole plant, including stalks and flowers, but not the seeds as hemp oil does.
Superior products like Ananda Professional CBD have both. That way, you get all the benefits both oils have to offer.
**The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. While we discuss the potential health benefits of CBD and hemp oil based on current research, these are not approved by the FDA for any medical conditions. We make no claims that the products mentioned can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. It is always recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider about the use of CBD products and how they might interact with any current medications or health conditions you have.**