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Just like humans, dogs can develop signs and symptoms of stress for various reasons. Loud noises, such as fireworks and thunderstorms, can be a source of stress for dogs. Dogs may also display signs of distress when faced with the unknown or unusual or if they associate a thing or an experience with an unpleasant memory or event.

Unlike humans, dogs are not necessarily able to express themselves as clearly as humans can. Although they often express their feelings of fear and stress, it is often unclear what the source of worry and stress might be. While most dogs enjoy a ride in the family car, it may be stressful for others. Some dogs may shake or whine when encountering car travel. Some may refuse to get in on their own. Your dog may urinate or chew themselves nervously. 

If your dog has developed a fear of riding in the car, it could result from motion sickness, a fairly common occurrence. Some dogs may associate a ride in the car with a visit to the vet’s office- which is stressful for many pets. 

To help relieve the stress and stress associated with car travel for dogs, you can place a favorite toy or blanket in the car. You can also have the dog travel in their crate. This is helpful for crate-trained dogs. You can also cover the crate to reduce the amount of visual stimulus. To relieve the fear that your dog may have of an unpleasant destination, short trips with a favorite toy or treat as a reward at the end may help to create more pleasant memories associated with car travel. Quiet music or calm conversation may help soothe your dog’s stress. Positive reinforcement and a peaceful demeanor are a big plus.

If you have identified the source of your dog’s distress as fear or stress of riding in the car or motion sickness (especially in puppies who have yet to develop the motion-stabilizing ability in their ears), perhaps it’s time to consider CBD products as a stress reliever for your dog. CBD products for dogs are available as treats or as drops. 

There is a growing movement in pet care that supports using hemp (botanically related to marijuana) products, and CBD (Cannabidiol) extracts in treating certain specific conditions in dogs. CBD has been found to be beneficial in relieving stress and stress, motion sickness, and joint and bone pain in dogs. 


All mammals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) in their bodies, and the ECS regulates every metabolic process in an animal’s body, both human and canine alike. A balanced ECS will help control stress, pain, stress, depression, and inflammation. CBD helps manage stress by changing the brain’s serotonin receptors. CBD is one of 113 identified cannabinoids found in cannabis plants (including the psychoactive ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol) and can account for as much as 40% of the plant’s extract. 

When considering CBD products for your dog’s stress, it is important to remember that THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) can be harmful to dogs, so a THC-free CBD product is recommended. 

For dosing, it is recommended that when choosing CBD dog treats for stress and pain relief, they receive between 1 and 5 mg per 10 lbs of your dog’s weight. This is simply a guideline. Please consult your veterinarian for specific dosage information, as with all medications and supplements. 

For a wide selection of hemp products for your pet, specifically CBD treats for dogs, please visit The Hemp Pharmacist. If you have any questions or are interested in CBD products for your pet, please call 757-577-1024

Note- Please consult your physician before beginning or discontinuing any medication. CBD should not be used with any medication containing a “grapefruit warning.” 

CBD compounds may, by law, contain no more than 0.3 % of THC. While this is not enough THC to create a psychoactive effect, it may still be detectable in some tests. If you are prohibited from using any product containing THC, CBD treatments may not be an option.

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